WOW Women In Health Tech

Eszter Ozsvald is the founder and CTO of Notch, a motion-tech company based in New York and Budapest. Notch serves as a platform for developers, researchers and entrepreneurs to understand and analyze human motion, and build products and apps to either help improve health-related (e.g. gait analysis in Parkinson’s) or sports-specific physical fitness (e.g. golf coaching tool). Their latest initiative, Yoganotch, offers yoga practitioners a personal yoga assistant by providing live personalized advice.

Yoganotch - Meet the Founder

Eszter Ozsvald is the technical founder of Yoganotch an innovative tech company offe...

Why did yoga become so popular?

This is the first in the series of stories about the world of yoga, brought to you b...

Getting Started
Yoga Classes
Yoga Metrics
Product Information
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